Saturday, May 29, 2010

Adventures in Stupidity

Well, today started out much like any other. I woke up and all was good. Little did I know that I was about to embark upon an adventure *dun dun da* an adventure in stupidity as I say lol. I was feeding all the little animals around the house.

9 a.m. I had almost finished up and it was the last doggy's turn for food. So I went outside to feed him since he is an outdoor dog. I had forgotten that the previous night I had locked all the doors because I would be home alone and I guess I'm a little paranoid like that. Well the door I went out to feed buddy only locks from the outside. Since I had just woken up I guess I had forgotten this fact and since the door still opened I thought that it was unlocked. I shut the door on my way out (barefooted since I would just be out for a bit) since the indoor cat was not to go outside at all. I put Buddy's food in his bowl and went to go back inside.

The door was locked! Great! All the doors were locked. All the windows shut. I tromped down the dirt road barefooted and still in my pj's to search out a neighbor who would let me use their phone. I walked pretty far (the houses are pretty spread out here) and nobody was home. The family I am staying with would not get home till tomorrow evening. This was just dandy. I live about 10 miles from the main area of town. So I sat and waited because I knew that in this heat I would be worn out quickly. I waited for somebody to drive down the road. I waited for a neighbor to come home. I walked up and down the street some more. A big scary thunder and lightning storm came through. It was loud and close. I could see the lightning closer than I ever had before. I prayed. I prayed hard and long that I would be safe. I prayed that this would work out and that someone would come find me. I waited. I walked down the street again.

Finally someone way down the road was home and let me use their phone. I called 911 because that's all I could think of. They sent out some people to help let me in the house and I was so happy when they pulled up cuz I was expecting them to have a million keys and one would work. Or that they could shimmy something open. Or credit card something. But nope, they had no idea how to get into the house. They called a locksmith which would cost me $90 plus money for driving out here.

Just as they left, my best friend showed up. She had been trying to get a hold of me all day and I had not been answering. I had left me phone in the house since I did not want to get yucky dog food on it. She figured out what was wrong, called the people I'm staying with, found out where the extra key was (which I never woulda found), and saved me. Which took all of ten minutes tops. And she was off. I was sore and tired and hungry but very relieved and grateful. I said a prayer of thanks and went about feeding the animals again, making sure I did not lock myself out again. I made and ate some food. It wasn't the greatest food in the world but it tasted SO good right then.

The locksmith finally showed up almost 2 hours later. The dispatcher had given him a wrong address at first. Anyway, I no longer needed his services. But I still had to pay him for his time and for coming all the way out here. $45. At least it isn't $90. All in all, I was stuck outside for about 6-6 1/2 hours. But I was so glad that it wasn't more.

That was my adventure in stupidity today. Cost me $45 (possibly more later) and I felt like a loser. Learn from this and take what you wish.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

A little bit of everything

Sometimes life gets boring when you are stuck in the same house all the time. This week has been better though and I've had more opportunities to get out of the house and have some awesome friends as company. I went and did some apartment hunting and will need to do that some more. It's hard stuff, let me tell ya. But I am confident that all will work out and I'm still confident that I am doing what is right.

Yesterday I spent most of the day writing a song and it was well worth it. I wrote it for my dear sister who has autism. Writing that song meant a lot to me and I really enjoyed doing it. I spent about 2 hours working out the lyrics and the music. Then I decided that I wanted to make an autism awareness song with a slide show of pictures set to my new song. It took me about 6 hours to get all the pictures and set up the video exactly how I wanted. But like I said, well worth it. If you haven't seen it and are interested, check it out.

Also, I had a really good day today and I'm so glad for that. I really needed it :)

The last thing I want to say right now is that I am going shooting tomorrow for the first time. I am a little scared to be honest. I mean guns can kill. But I think it'll be fun too. At least a good experience. Anyway, that's all for now. I'll prolly update more when I make myself a little more interesting.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Back...we'll see how long this lasts this time lol

Okay you can see. I've been absent for a very long time lol. I'm going to try to get back into this. I doubt anyone will read this or care so I will keep it short lol. I'm going to make some short updates here to bring you up to speed on where I'm at in life but I'm not going to tell you everything because a ton has happened in two years. If you have questions go ahead and ask. I'll answer them.

Alright, so about my last blog 2 years ago. Go figure. I wasn't in love. I thought I was but I was fooled. That guy was not right for me. I am glad I am out of that relationship. At the same time however I miss it. Not the guy, the being in a relationship part. It's hard to go from being in a long relationship to being single again. But you know what? I've only really ever had pure love once and now that I've experienced that I know what I want. I will not settle for just any guy. I will not lower my standards. If a guy wants me he will be willing to put in the work it takes.

Which brings me to another thing. I started guitar as a way of being able to express myself. I have written about 9 or 10 songs now and hope to continue on doing that. If you hear my songs in order it will take you through the ups and downs of my love life. The good, the sad, the strong willed independence and strength, the reminiscent, the love. It's all in my songs. Who knows, maybe I can make money off of them. I think I may post them somewhere in order...just so that you may experience the roller coaster of emotions. I think it's pretty interesting myself.

This is the last thing I will talk about for now. I have begun to start a new chapter of my life. I'm young, I'm independent, and I know what I want. I just recently moved out to Florida. I'm staying with a friend out here and will be leaving as soon as possible to start my own life. It's a little scary, and I know money will be tight for a while but I know this is where I need to be at this stage in my life. I'm still looking for love. Maybe it'll turn up soon, maybe I'll be old and wrinkly before I marry. I don't know. All I know is that I am doing what I need to, love will find a way, I have awesome and amazing friends, and I will make new ones here as well. And you know what...that's good enough for me.

Bahahaha so much for keeping it short.