Sunday, October 24, 2010

I'm A Mormon!

So just in case you didn't know, I'm a Mormon. I'm proud to be one and I will talk about the gospel to anyone who wants to talk. I love my life, I love my religion, and I am dedicated to making the world around me a better place. Check out my profile on by clicking on the I'm a Mormon button below :) I'm a Mormon.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Voice to be Heard

It’s a scorching day outside and you find yourself in need of a drink. You take a drink from your nice ice cold water. Or maybe you prefer to drink a nice cold soda. Many people don’t think about anything other than their cool beverage on a day like this, but let me open your eyes to one affect this seemingly innocent drink may have. Did you know that exposure to Bisphenol A (BPA) found in that plastic bottle you’re holding could put your baby at risk for a neurobehavioral disability like autism? BPA just happens to be a commonly found chemical compound used in creating polycarbonate plastics.

The National Geographic article entitled Bisphenol A, by Stephen Musson, states “As concerns over the potential health effects of BPA exposure have become publicized, manufacturers, consumers, and governments have taken steps to reduce BPA use and exposure.” In other words, there is no reason to give your friend, that chilly bottled drink, the cold shoulder (pun intended). The fact of the matter is that not very much is known about autism or why it occurs. Biologists, psychologists, and doctors alike are still trying to figure out exactly what causes autism and how to treat it. It appears in several different forms and has several different so-called “causes,” most of which are speculations.

Another journal reports that “there is compelling evidence that many children with autism and gut symptoms have organic mucosal pathology” (Wakefield, A J., Molecular Psychiatry, Vol.7(s2), p.S44-S46). There was even a claim wildly accepted in the mid-1960’s “that vaccination, particularly with measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, may be related to the development of autism” (DeStefano, F ; Chen, R T. CNS drugs, 2001, Vol.15 (11), p.831-7). As stated before many of these causes are speculation and some have even been debunked.

All these articles do is argue over what causes autism. I do not think our time is best spent in speculating what causes autism. It is quite obviously a biological issue that at this time is too complex for us to understand or explain. Autism is just that, a very complex biological or mental disorder, occurring at an increasing rate. I don’t think much can be done at this point for us to be able to explain why autism happens. However, I do believe that one thing remains easily explained.

Those classified under the autism spectrum are people. They are human just like everybody else. They have feelings, emotions, and thoughts. Awareness needs to be raised and I think that people need to understand these simple facts. Many are afraid or do not know how to deal with a person who has autism. Many shun them and tease them as well. Just because some with autism are socially awkward at times, or have slowed mental development in some areas, it doesn’t mean they are dumb or incapable. There is a wonderful online special edition article about a boy named Tito with autism. He is able to write poetry using very complex words, sentences, and ideas even though his ability to speak is severely impaired. Here is a link to that article:

In the world of sports there have been two teens with autism highlighted in the news. Jason McElwain who scored three-pointer after three-pointer when stuck in his high school basketball game because they had a good lead. They were expecting to lose their lead when sticking him in but he ended up being the high scorer of the night. Clay Marzo is the other autistic teen who is now a successfully sponsored surfer even though he lacks social skills.

I think that if awareness could be raised for autism it would increase the amount of funding researchers may need to study more into autism and possibly, eventually, lead to finding a cure. I think that increasing awareness and support for autism is what will begin to resolve this complex biological issue. When people understand a biological issue that is when results take place.

I have taken a step of my own to try to increase awareness. Though it may not be heard by millions, or even thousands, those who hear it will know that autism affects not only the individual, but their families, and their communities. One click at a time I hope to increase autism awareness. As a singer/songwriter I wrote a song and posted a slideshow video with it on the popular website youtube in order to increase the awareness in a way I best express myself, through song. I write this blog post and wrote that song for my older sister who is autistic. Autism deserves a voice, and though mine is small I plan to be heard. The song can be found here

Works Cited:
Autism and measles-mumps-rubella vaccination: controversy laid to rest?
DeStefano, F ; Chen, R T
CNS drugs, 2001, Vol.15(11), p.831-7

Bisphenol A.
Musson, S., University of Florida
National Geographic ver. 1 - Thu, Sep 18, 2008

Enterocolitis, autism and measles virus.
Wakefield, A J
Molecular psychiatry, 2002, Vol.7 Suppl 2, p.S44-6

Friday, August 27, 2010


Okay so I know that I haven't been on here in a while but...omg I am about to explode with how happy I am and how awesome tonight was so...YOU get to hear about it :D

Tonight I had a date with Peter Murphy, this guy that was in my ward last year here at BYU. He is super friendly and funny. I actually asked him out which i've never done before. I've never asked a guy out but...I liked him so I took a risk. I asked him out by tagging him in a video on Facebook. The video was one that I had made in Window's MovieMaker with stick figure pictures and an audio track of me singing + playing the guitar. I had learned the song Smile by Uncle Kracker but changed the words so it was like I was asking him out.

Tonight was the date and it seriously was the VERY FUNNEST date i've ever had! So I made this recipe of my dad's for dinner that consists of specially seasoned meat, tomato sauce and paste, peas, and corn. Except I used ground turkey instead of ground beef. And I made homemade mashed potatoes. HE LOVED IT :D

During dinner he asked me all about my trip to Florida and so I told him the whole story lol like everything because he asked about everything lol. He was just so kind and interested in what had happened to me there.
Then we talked on the couch for a long time before starting the games I had planned (Minute to Win It games). After that we played them and we both had a blast! He lost more of them than me and he was all bummed out that he didn't get to ask me more questions so I told him he could ask me more after we were done lol :P (btw we have a few pictures and a few videos from the date).

Omg though i don't think I’ve smiled and laughed that much in a long time. He is just so funny and we were just teasing and playing and it was so dang much fun XD After we played all of the games we sat in the living room and he asked me a few more questions before asking me to play my guitar for him. At first I was shy and he said I didn't have to sing I could just play so I did that. Then when I finished he was all like "Okay now sing the words!" I proceeded to give him his own private concert where I sang and played, and he sat there enjoying himself and looking like he was so happy and about to fall asleep he was so into the music XD Whenever I finished a song he was like "Okay ONE more!" and so I kept playing ONE more like 12 times lol. He is so silly XD

Then he told me I was really talented and joked about becoming my manager and I was like " you can't take 50% of my proceeds?" and with a smile and jokingly he was like "Nah...60%!" He told me I need to come over to his apartment and play more for him sometime.

I think the reason we both had so much fun tonight is that we both have like this "little kid" side to us and he was just eating the games up. He really enjoyed them and so did I. Omg...breath… it was SO fun! The best night i've had in a really long time (okay i'm done now) XD

Friday, June 18, 2010

Okay so...spiritual thought of the week :) for me at least . You know at first I was really really confused about why I felt the Lord had told me to move out there now if it wasn't going to work out, but I think I may understand that a little better now. At first I was starting to doubt if I really received that revelation from the Lord or if I had just thought I had. A friend wrote me and brought up the story of Zion's camp. I'm sure you are familiar with that story so I won't go into detail here. If you aren't familiar with it just read Doctrine and Covenants sections 103 (where they get revelation to start Zion's camp) and 105 (where Joseph Smith receives revelation to turn back. They aren't ready to fight at that time.) as well. A lot of the people who were obedient through the trial of Zion's camp were blessed and about 80 of those good people later held leadership positions in the church. Now I'm not comparing myself to that, I don't think I'm THAT worthy. I just think I went there, did what I was supposed to, and maybe I was told to move there because that is what would get me there. I met a lot of great people, yourself included :) and I got to hang out with my best friend before I left.

I felt very much at peace with my decision to come back to Utah even though it kind of sucked that I went out there and things didn't work out like I planned. I learned a lot out there and I feel like I grew up quite a bit, which was good for me. I feel like everything in our lives happens for a reason. There are lessons to learn, growing up to take place, and sometimes you need to step into the dark and do some wrong before you realize that is not the way you wish to live your life.

I've had all of those happen to me. My father passed away when I was 9 and a half and that experience has lead to blessings, learning, and growing, even though it was super hard and still is at times. A few years after that I found myself not liking the church very much anymore. I made excuses not to go to church and slowly but surely I began to forget just how amazing the gospel is and how much joy it can bring to your life.

I got into some things I am not proud of and won't do again though I am still tempted by them a lot. I cannot and will not give in to those things anymore. However, I have come to realize that hating yourself for doing things in the past makes you miserable in the now. I also came to the realization that I needed to go through all of that and find my own testimony for myself instead of having it handed to me from birth.

A very good friend brought me back into the gospel and I will forever be grateful to her for that. Another great friend (my best friend) has helped me, supported me, kept me in the gospel, helped me feel better about myself, and eventually forgive myself for what I had done. What I’m saying is, though some people do wrong and stray from the gospel or never had it to begin with the way they have been acting will be hard to overcome and doesn’t happen overnight. But at the same time it isn’t good to live your life hating yourself for those past choices and decisions. Realize that you messed up and move on. Do not forget what you learned from those experiences, but let go of those feelings of regret and inadequacy because that is what will hold you back. Your experiences, good or bad, make you the person that you are today. I’d like to think that I’m a lot better off now than I was. I’m so grateful to good friends and the gospel for my happiness. I just needed to tell someone all of that and what I’ve learned. I have a harder time forgetting what I’ve learned when I tell someone about them. So thanks for reading. I hope this wasn’t too boring for you.

Saturday, June 5, 2010



So that surprise today...WAS THE BEACH! :DDDDDDDDDD

I had the most fun I have had in a dang long time today! Oh was a great day. I felt like a little kid again. It was loads of fun. Going to the beach was on my bucket list. Hence the excitement in my first line there. I got to spend my time at the beach with my best friend and some new friends I made out here in Florida.

By the way...sand squishing beneath my toes makes me smile and makes me feel like a little kid inside :D

Anyways i'm pretty tired and worn out from all the fun. So good night. Sleep tight.

Random, FUN, sad...

So...I have decided to change my blog template because the other one was boring lol. I also decided that I will change it periodically based on when I get bored of the design or how I am feeling at a given time.

Also, I'M SO EXCITED FOR TODAY! I'm gonna have awesome amounts of fun with my best friend. I don't know what we're doing for sure because it's a surprise. But I AM sure that it will be heaps and heaps of fun in teh sun :D

I will be coming back to Utah next week. I don't really wanna leave this beautiful place. I have made some good friends here too. STAY IN TOUCH DANG IT. Lol anyway I suppose what's meant for me next is not here at the moment. I will keep trusting in the Lord. That's all for now I think :) I'm gonna go upstairs now and get ready for my awesome day :D SEE YA

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Big news kids! So listen up ya hear?

So here's some big news. I'm coming back to stay with my mom. I don't really know why I was supposed to come here. I do still feel like the Lord wanted me to come here. But things are not working out how I thought they would. Maybe I was just supposed to come here to make a few friends and leave. I have no idea. But it felt right and feels right that I came. If it was that I moved here to meet people, I spent a heck of a lot of money for a few friends.

As I mentioned things are not going so well here. I am having no luck whatsoever with a job. The mother of the family I'm staying with seems to think that it's because of the oil spill. It's affecting a lot of business out here right now. I am also finding that I am running out of money and therefore cannot move anywhere on my own. The family I'm staying with also changed their mind about letting me stay with them longer. They want me to leave by next Thursday.

So yes, at this point I feel that I will be coming home. I don't know exactly what I'm supposed to learn from all of this. I guess I'll see sometime down the road. That seems to happen with most trials in my life. Maybe it's just to build me and make me stronger. Workin toward that future hubby lol.

I have learned a few things here that I will not forget though. I've also experienced a lot. See ya 'round.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Precious Few

Alrighty well, the title up there is what I would like to be known as if I ever were to become famous for my music. Not that I am counting on that to support me lol. I just thought I would let you know that. Oh and I am thinking about putting some stuff on itunes. I know I've said that before but maybe I'll actually do it now. We'll see what happens.

Also, just another topic I wanted to hit on. I am pretty sure that I am not the only girl who thinks about when they will meet Mr. Right. For those of you who already have Mr. Right you should consider yourselves lucky. I occasionally find myself in want of a family. Today was one of those days. One days like this I wonder what they will be like and when my family will come. I used to get jealous of others for having this already. I used to feel bitter that I didn't have anyone yet. I've grown a lot recently. I am finally beginning to see some of the growth that has long been in progress. I'm not the same person I was even a few days ago. Maybe this is why I haven't met Mr. Right yet. I don't think that I was ready. I need to keep myself where I should be and keep doing the things that I should do. When I am ready things will happen and not before.

I realize that I still have to grow into the kind of person that will make a good friend, wife, and mother. So I will keep doing that. I won't worry about all the time it may take for this to happen. On days like this, when I want a husband, I want a little precious baby to hold, I think of my future family and what they will be like. I am not bitter anymore though. I pray that I may ready myself for them. On days like today when I am bored and thinking about these things I pray that my future husband is readying himself as well. I also pray that, wherever he is, whatever he is doing, my future husband will be having a good day.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Adventures in Stupidity

Well, today started out much like any other. I woke up and all was good. Little did I know that I was about to embark upon an adventure *dun dun da* an adventure in stupidity as I say lol. I was feeding all the little animals around the house.

9 a.m. I had almost finished up and it was the last doggy's turn for food. So I went outside to feed him since he is an outdoor dog. I had forgotten that the previous night I had locked all the doors because I would be home alone and I guess I'm a little paranoid like that. Well the door I went out to feed buddy only locks from the outside. Since I had just woken up I guess I had forgotten this fact and since the door still opened I thought that it was unlocked. I shut the door on my way out (barefooted since I would just be out for a bit) since the indoor cat was not to go outside at all. I put Buddy's food in his bowl and went to go back inside.

The door was locked! Great! All the doors were locked. All the windows shut. I tromped down the dirt road barefooted and still in my pj's to search out a neighbor who would let me use their phone. I walked pretty far (the houses are pretty spread out here) and nobody was home. The family I am staying with would not get home till tomorrow evening. This was just dandy. I live about 10 miles from the main area of town. So I sat and waited because I knew that in this heat I would be worn out quickly. I waited for somebody to drive down the road. I waited for a neighbor to come home. I walked up and down the street some more. A big scary thunder and lightning storm came through. It was loud and close. I could see the lightning closer than I ever had before. I prayed. I prayed hard and long that I would be safe. I prayed that this would work out and that someone would come find me. I waited. I walked down the street again.

Finally someone way down the road was home and let me use their phone. I called 911 because that's all I could think of. They sent out some people to help let me in the house and I was so happy when they pulled up cuz I was expecting them to have a million keys and one would work. Or that they could shimmy something open. Or credit card something. But nope, they had no idea how to get into the house. They called a locksmith which would cost me $90 plus money for driving out here.

Just as they left, my best friend showed up. She had been trying to get a hold of me all day and I had not been answering. I had left me phone in the house since I did not want to get yucky dog food on it. She figured out what was wrong, called the people I'm staying with, found out where the extra key was (which I never woulda found), and saved me. Which took all of ten minutes tops. And she was off. I was sore and tired and hungry but very relieved and grateful. I said a prayer of thanks and went about feeding the animals again, making sure I did not lock myself out again. I made and ate some food. It wasn't the greatest food in the world but it tasted SO good right then.

The locksmith finally showed up almost 2 hours later. The dispatcher had given him a wrong address at first. Anyway, I no longer needed his services. But I still had to pay him for his time and for coming all the way out here. $45. At least it isn't $90. All in all, I was stuck outside for about 6-6 1/2 hours. But I was so glad that it wasn't more.

That was my adventure in stupidity today. Cost me $45 (possibly more later) and I felt like a loser. Learn from this and take what you wish.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

A little bit of everything

Sometimes life gets boring when you are stuck in the same house all the time. This week has been better though and I've had more opportunities to get out of the house and have some awesome friends as company. I went and did some apartment hunting and will need to do that some more. It's hard stuff, let me tell ya. But I am confident that all will work out and I'm still confident that I am doing what is right.

Yesterday I spent most of the day writing a song and it was well worth it. I wrote it for my dear sister who has autism. Writing that song meant a lot to me and I really enjoyed doing it. I spent about 2 hours working out the lyrics and the music. Then I decided that I wanted to make an autism awareness song with a slide show of pictures set to my new song. It took me about 6 hours to get all the pictures and set up the video exactly how I wanted. But like I said, well worth it. If you haven't seen it and are interested, check it out.

Also, I had a really good day today and I'm so glad for that. I really needed it :)

The last thing I want to say right now is that I am going shooting tomorrow for the first time. I am a little scared to be honest. I mean guns can kill. But I think it'll be fun too. At least a good experience. Anyway, that's all for now. I'll prolly update more when I make myself a little more interesting.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Back...we'll see how long this lasts this time lol

Okay you can see. I've been absent for a very long time lol. I'm going to try to get back into this. I doubt anyone will read this or care so I will keep it short lol. I'm going to make some short updates here to bring you up to speed on where I'm at in life but I'm not going to tell you everything because a ton has happened in two years. If you have questions go ahead and ask. I'll answer them.

Alright, so about my last blog 2 years ago. Go figure. I wasn't in love. I thought I was but I was fooled. That guy was not right for me. I am glad I am out of that relationship. At the same time however I miss it. Not the guy, the being in a relationship part. It's hard to go from being in a long relationship to being single again. But you know what? I've only really ever had pure love once and now that I've experienced that I know what I want. I will not settle for just any guy. I will not lower my standards. If a guy wants me he will be willing to put in the work it takes.

Which brings me to another thing. I started guitar as a way of being able to express myself. I have written about 9 or 10 songs now and hope to continue on doing that. If you hear my songs in order it will take you through the ups and downs of my love life. The good, the sad, the strong willed independence and strength, the reminiscent, the love. It's all in my songs. Who knows, maybe I can make money off of them. I think I may post them somewhere in order...just so that you may experience the roller coaster of emotions. I think it's pretty interesting myself.

This is the last thing I will talk about for now. I have begun to start a new chapter of my life. I'm young, I'm independent, and I know what I want. I just recently moved out to Florida. I'm staying with a friend out here and will be leaving as soon as possible to start my own life. It's a little scary, and I know money will be tight for a while but I know this is where I need to be at this stage in my life. I'm still looking for love. Maybe it'll turn up soon, maybe I'll be old and wrinkly before I marry. I don't know. All I know is that I am doing what I need to, love will find a way, I have awesome and amazing friends, and I will make new ones here as well. And you know what...that's good enough for me.

Bahahaha so much for keeping it short.